Changing Places Toilet
Friday 22 September 2017

Yarra is proud to share that Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library is home to a new Changing Places toilet.
Introduced to Australia in 2012, Changing Places toilets are specifically suitable toilets for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets. This may include people with an acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, motor neurone disease and their carers, as well as many other people with a disability.
Changing Places toilets are provided in addition to and separate from standard accessible toilets. They differ from accessible toilets in that they must undergo Changing Places Accreditation, comply with Changing Places design requirements and meet key requirements such as:
• A height adjustable adult sized changing bench
• A constant charging ceiling track hoist system
• A centrally located peninsula toilet
• Circulation spaces as defined in the design specifications
• Automatic door with a clear opening of 950mm at a minimum
• Other fixtures and fittings as detailed in the design specifications.
The strict accreditation guidelines ensure that any toilet advertised as a Changing Places toilet consistently meets the needs and expectations of the people who use them as well as their carers.
For more information visit the Changing Places website.