Disasters can be particularly confusing for children, whether directly affected or further away. Not every child will want to talk about bushfires but for those who're confused, frightened or interested in more information, sharing a book can help create a safe space for those discussions.
Here are some resources that might be used to prompt those conversations.
Picture Books
Junior Non-Fiction
Junior Fiction
DVDs and Audiobooks
Digital Resources
Storybox Stories
Games and Activities
Get Ready! Downloadable Activity Book
Birdie and the Fire Online Flipbook
After the emergency Downloadable Activity Book
Websites/Web Resources
How to Prepare Kids for Emergencies
Talking to Children about bushfires
How to talk to your children about Australia's bushfire emergency
Emergency Preparedness Resources for parents and teachers
Talking to children about what is happening in Australia
Social Stories (includes stories on bushfires and evacuation)
Bushfire crisis hints and tips - supporting children, community and educators
Trauma: first response to help children