Libraries Victoria

Public Libraries Victoria (PLV), is the peak body for public libraries in Victoria. PLV represents all library services across the state, working together to make Victorian libraries the best they can be. 

As a participating Libraries Victoria library service, your Yarra Libraries membership can be used to borrow items, request holds for pickup and pay outstanding bills at other participating libraries outside of the City of Yarra. This includes areas like Greater Dandenong, West Gippsland, Melton and Wodonga.

What are the benefits of Libraries Victoria?

• Members can borrow and return items directly at over 100 libraries across Victoria.

• Members have improved access to collections.

• There's no need for multiple library cards filling your wallet.

Each library service sets its own loan periods, rules for borrowing and fine rates for overdue material. If you choose to use your card at a a participating Libraries Victoria library, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules of the libraries that you borrow from.

For more information, and a list of participating libraries, check out the Libraries Victoria website.

All participating libraries are committed to safeguarding your privacy in accordance with State and Federal legislation.