Suggest an item


We welcome suggestions for items that are not already part of Yarra Libraries' collection.

To suggest an item for our collection, fill out our Suggest an Item Form.


Before you request an item, please read our guidelines below.

Your suggestion will be evaluated against the selection criteria in our Collection Development Policy

We favour:

  • Items published in the last 2 years (including reissues)
  • Items to the value of $55 for Fiction and $75 for Non Fiction
  • Item is in print and readily available from our library suppliers
  • Age and currency
  • Quality and format

Materials we generally do not acquire:

  • Textbooks (school or university, technical or professional)
  • Materials only available in inappropriate formats (e.g. mini-books, spiral binding, etc.).
  • Unclassified films or items prohibited by law (e.g. pornography).
  • Items due for publication or release more than 3 months in advance.

The Library reserves the right to make final decisions based on professional judgement, cost, relevance and potential use of any suggested materials.


If a suggested item is selected, a hold (reservation) will be placed on your library membership on your behalf.

Most items are acquired within a 3-month timeframe, but some may take longer, dependent on availability.


If an item is not selected for acquisition, an email will be sent communicating this information.

If the item is more than 2 years old or falls outside our Collection Development Policy, please check our Inter Library Loans page as we may be able to obtain it through our Inter-Library Loan service. Fees may apply.